Class Blog

Year 2 Blog

Digging up the vegetable beds!

In gardening club today we dug up the overgrown raised beds. We found a giant spring onion, some small onions and some very odd shaped carrots! While we were digging we found lots of worms, a red beetle chrysalis and a very friendly snail! We are going to relocate the vegetable plot and hopefully grow some more fruit, vegetables and herbs this year. The children all worked extremely hard. Well done everyone! 

Can you guess the planet?

During our SATs morning breakfast we found a shape that looked like a planet. Can you guess it? Yes - it is Saturn in our rice crispies! Made all year 6 laugh. 


This week in gymnastics, the children have been working on the apparatus to demonstarte; working at 3 different levels, performing with control and demonstarting zig-zag and straight pathways. Great job everyone! Well done to those children who got out of their confort zone and gave it ago! 

Who has been working hard this week?

 Well done to this week's Head-Teacher and Good to be Green award winners. We have been very busy with our SAT's tests this week as well as getting our everyday lessons done too. Keep up the hard work and positive mindset everybody! Well done to R and H who have been working hard at their football club outside of school and to A who has achieved a special award for passing her dance exam with a distinction! Great job

Good Luck Year 6!

All of us here at Broadbent Fold would like to take the opportunity to wish all of year 6 the best of luck for their tests next week.

We are very proud of how hard you have all worked this year- you are all stars!

Could you SURVIVE in the woods?

Today, Year 2 took part in a variety of different survival activities to bring our topic (Can you survive in the woods?) to life. The children got to experience what it would be like to be stuck in the woods with nothing but themselves. All of the children got hands on making shelters, making fires, learning, finding and eating edible plants (Daisies, Forsythia, Cleavers, Bramble, Sorrel, Dandelion, Clover and Ribwort), cooking and tasting Dandelion fritters and making Cleaver (sticky weed) soup.
