School Blog

Pupil Leaders Back in Action!

Back to school meant back in action for the Pupil Leadership Team!   Their first task was to help their classes create a "wish list" of books for their own reading areas and the library.  Then they attended  an important  meeting to discuss some exciting events happening soon!  New fitness equipment,that was chosen by last year's Pupil Leaders  for the KS2 playground is on its way!  There will be a grand opening in the next few weeks!  They also discussed fundraising ideas to help raise money to improve the EYFS Playground.  Ideas such as dress up days and Covid safe sales were discussed. 

British Science Week in Year 6

As part of British Science Week Year 6 have looked at different skills in working scientifically. Have a look through the images above. 

So far they have planned a variety of questions to look at what affects reaction time. The children then set up investigations where they would drop/throw an object for their partner to catch under different conditions.


What a day for bikeability!!! Despite the adverse weather conditions Year 6 have enjoyed their day. Take a look throught the images above.

Well done year 6- lets hope tomorrow is warmer and drier!!

World Book Day

So many people made fantastic tube book characters as part of World Book Day. The winner was Max with his Cat in the Hat design. Well done to Kai who won an award for the best costume. Both awards were really hard to choose winners for as there were so many great entries. Well done to everyone who took part. 

Year 4 - World Book Day!

Year 4 enjoyed all of the World Book Day activities!  It started with last week's Workshop with the poet Joshua Seigal!  The class were inspired by his funny poems, especially "My Bottom's Gone Missing!"  They also enjoyed the "Masked Reader" and did a great job of working out the clues, even though they thought I was the Fries, the Alien AND Sponge Bob Square Pants!   Their Tube Character competition entries were all fantastic, making it extremely difficult to choose a winner.  In the end we have joint winners:  Henry's The BFG and Harriet's Sir Tom Moore.  Well done to you both!   Prizes

Thank you to Morrisons

I would like to say a huge thank you to Morrisons for donating a box of books which I will place in our school library.

A nice little treat for when we return to school 

World Book Day in Y6

We have thoroughly enjoyed World Book Day in school this week and I hope that you have at home too.

The Masked Reader 2021 was a great success. We had a good laugh and I was so impressed with your detective work at working out which adults were reading.

Well done to all those who joined in with dressing up as their favourite book characters on Thursday- have a look at some photographs above. 

Y6 Stars of the week 5-3-21

This week out Y6 Stars are two girls. Well done Poppy B and Gracie.

Poppy is mature, polite and hardworking. She brings a lovely energy to the classroom with her confidence and personality. 

Gracie is a lovely member of the class who works with enthusiasm and confidence in all lessons.

Congratulations girls. :)
