British Science Week in Year 6

British Science Week in Year 6

As part of British Science Week Year 6 have looked at different skills in working scientifically. Have a look through the images above. 

So far they have planned a variety of questions to look at what affects reaction time. The children then set up investigations where they would drop/throw an object for their partner to catch under different conditions.

We then looked at how to set up a line of enquiry. We predicted whether our pulse rate increases when we do stationary exercises as much as when we do travelling exercises. They planned their own investigations considering how to make a fair and comparative test.

We have also joined a fascinating webinar with Dr Mandy Hartley about DNA. We found out that humans have 37 trillion cells which all look slightly different. We watched an experiment where Dr Mandy extracted the DNA from a banana- maybe they could replicate the experient at home. Look at -

Did you know that humans share 60% of their DNA with a banana!!! Fascinating!!

We still have plenty more science do to so keep checking our class blog for more updates.