School Blog

Year 5 World Book Day Winners

It was very difficult Y5 to figure out the winners for Y5 World Book Day competition as there were some brilliant entries. However, here are our winners for the World Book Day competition. Ayden is dressed as Doctor DoLittle and Ellie made Where's Wally on her toilet tube. Well done and prizes will be issued on Monday. 

Y5 8th March

Dear Y5,

Well it's back to school for everyone come Monday and we're very excited to have everyone returning. I have attached the Medium Term Plan and the Home Learning Grid for the remaining half term. We had a little switch around with topics, so you may find this familiar from January but we've not covered these aspects as yet, but will be doing throughout the remaining half term. 

Information before coming to school on Monday. 

1. Please bring a change of shoes/ wellies and an outdoor coat as we are spending some time on the field on Monday 8th. 

Y5 Masked Reader Event

Join Y5 on Thursday's zoom at 10:55 to watch The Masked Reader. Listen to their stories and clues and see if you can figure out who is behind the masks before they reveal themselves. 

Reception Home Learning - 01.03.21

Here is this week's home learning - the last one so let's make it a good one!!  I cannot wait to have you all back!

Well done for all the fabulous home learning, you have all been super stars.  I am so proud of you all!

See you all next week!

Mrs K

Year 4 Home Learning for w/c 1st March 2021

As you know, we will be returning to school next week, so this will be our last Home Learning Grid!  This week is World Book Day; we will be engaging in some fun activities on Zoom and there are a lot of extra tasks on this Grid.  The “Masked Reader Reveal sheet” that is mentioned will be sent to you separately before World Book Day.  Children can dress up for our Thursday Zoom sessions if they wish but please do not go to any expense.

Y6 Stars of the week 26-2-21

Well done to our Y6 Stars of the week Harry and Aarron.

Harry is incredibly hardworking and is keen to complete all of his work accurately. He has produced some lovely poetry this week in our English work. He is also very good at mental arithmetic. Keep up the good work Harry.

Aarron is a mature, conscientious worker who has completed all home learning tasks to a high standard. Again his poetry this week has been exceptional. I always love listening to your responses Aarron.

Congratulations boys. 
