Class Blog

Year 4 Blog

British Science Week

Broadbent Fold will be celebrating British Science Week this year. The theme this year is ‘growth’. We will welcome ‘The Science Boffins’ into school during the week. On Friday 18th March we will host an exciting Science Fair. Also we will have an optional DRESS UP DAY- on 18th March where children can come to school dressed up as a real-life scientist. This could be anyone from David Attenborough, Mae C Jemison, Brian Cox, Marie Curie, Jane Goodall, Ada Lovelace…. there are endless possibilities. We can’t wait to see who you will be.

World Book Day

World Book day will be celebrated on Thursday 3rd March and children may come to school dressed as their favourite character or author. In school we will celebrate the day with many events including virtual author workshops, a visit by Manchester-based author Matt Goodfellow and we have the return of Broadbent Fold's 'The Masked Reader' Please check out the World Book Day website for news and events during March- World Book Day | World Book Day is a

Super Science

What a fabulous experiment today in science. As you can see the children were able to find lots of electrical conductors in the classroom and were able to sort their results into a venn diagram. Some children were even able to predict whether an object would be an insulator or conductor before they tested them too. 

Super Masked Creations

Look at our amazing homework creations. The children were tasked with designing and making a disguised cake which look fantastic. Well done Year 4. 

Marvellous Merits in Year 4

What a bumper pack of certificates that were handed out today. Aoife and Kade received the class merits, Oliver and Amelia got the Good To Be Green pencils as well. A massive congratulations to Matilda, Reiss, Maisie, Sam, Isobel, Isabelle, Evie, Luca and Lexi received their silver awards. 


Macy, Lexi and Nasir received certificates and medals for representing the class in a bowling competition and Theo, Maisie and Macy won the football boot design competition. 

What an amazing week we've had in Year 4. 

Happy Safer Internet Day!

Our pupils are working hard learning about keeping safe online, which also supports mental health week. 

If families want to learn more, Parent Zone has a free Safer Internet Day Special Event on Tuesday 8 February, 4.30-5.00 pm, live on YouTube.

Internet Safety in Year 4

Year 4 have been considering some very important questions during their Internet Safety sessions. They have made posters and enjoyed singing and learning about ways to make sure their online presence is safe, realistic and secure. They've had a really good discussion about how to make sure they have a positive Internet community and what to do if it's not. 
