Class Blog

Year 4 Blog

Tremendous Tudor Houses

Look at Year 4,s amazing homework projects where they had to make their Tudor house. They have done really well to capture the black and white mottle and daub, the over hanging upstairs and the leaded window. 

Marvellous Music

Year 4 have been learning Greensleeves in our music lessons to fit with our Tudor topic. I'm sure you can agree, that the class is doing really well and progressing nicely with their penny whistles. They have now managed to learn additional notes - the F# and high D. Well done Year 4.  

Super Bean Growth

Year 4 have been watching their broad beans grow steadily this week. It was fabulous to see how they are able to watch the root and shoot crack out of the seed. Some of the beans unfortunately aren't doing so well but others are growing amazingly. These will be being planted in our new vegetable beds very soon. 

Disgusting Digestion

Year 4 have been learning about digestion and how food is processed. They have worked well together to create a life size model of the digestive system and managed to label the parts too. 

New to BBF - Wellbeing Wednesdays!

Our Pupil Leaders have decided that every Wednesday is a wellbeing 'check-in' day. On Wellbeing Wednesday we take time to chat, to do yoga, meditation and share things on our mind. Staff and pupils are joining in with these special days every week. Join in at home too and talk to each other. 

Science Fair 2022

We are incredibly proud of our Year 6 class who worked really hard to organise and run the Science Fair today. They were superb role models for our younger children and have shared their scientific knowledge so well all morning. Please look through the photographs. 

Marvellous Merits

A massive congratulations to Sam and Sophia for their wonderful science work his week. Well done to Eva and Luca for earning the Good to be Green pencils too. Great work everyone. 

Super Science Fair

Year 4 had the opportunity to visit the Year 6 science fair today. They learnt about mixing chemicals, buoyancy, famous scientists, sound, chemical compounds, microscopes, gases, the human body and paper rockets. It was absolutely fantastic and extremely memorable. Well done Year 6. 

Science Boffins for British Science Week

On Tuesday the Science Boffin Vicki visited Broadbent Fold as part of British Science Week.

During the assembly we watched paper disappear when she lit it on fire - this is special paper called 'flash paper' 

Miss Harvey was kindly volunteered to have water tipped on her head... luckily the water had disappeared from the cup. This was because slush powder was in the bottom of the cup- this is a special powder which absorbs water. This is what is used in disposable nappies. 
