Class Blog

Year 4 Blog

Y4 Super Stars

Fantastic work this week from Nathan and Ellis who are our Good to be Green winners this week. Matilda earned the star of the week because of her fantastic explanation of the water cycle and Faye for her continual enthusiasm in every subject. Well done Year 4.

How to help children deal with loneliness - Mental Health Awareness Week 2022


“An emotion is like a fish in a pond that can take over at any time.” (Primary school child)

The Mental Health Foundation hosted the first Mental Health Awareness Week 21 years ago – a key moment for people and organisations across the UK to reflect on the importance of mental health and wellbeing.This year, the theme is loneliness.

Super Science

Year 4 have been of learning about the water cycle in English and have written an explanation that details how the water cycle works. To back up this knowledge, they completed an experiment in science. Here they had to see whether temperature affects the speed at which a cloth dries. They ensured their test was fair by using the same towel material and the same amount of water and only changed the place where the towel was kept. The whole class predicted that the warmest place would evaporate the water the quickest.

Year 4 Super Stars

Fantastic work this week from Year 4. The class merits went to Ruby and Luca for fantastic enthusiasm in class. Whereas, the Good to be Green pencils went to Mia and Maisie for always being Ready, Respectful and Safe. Great work everyone. 

Jet Setters

Year 4 have been jet setting off around the world investigating rivers and mountains. Yesterday we had a class competition and Evie, Ruby, Nathan, Luca, Reiss and Lucy were our class champions as they were able to locate and identify the most mountain ranges around the world. Fabulous investigating folks.  

Amazing Art in Year 4

In our art sessions we have been using water colours to recreate Hokosai's painting of Mount Fuji. Have a look at some of our finished work, they are fabulous. 

Belated Happy Easter

Unfortunately due to post delays Easter cards from Poland arrived after Easter. We would like to thank our Polish friends for the cards. Year 4 children also made and posted cards,for their friends in Poland, that  were delivered recently. 

Year 4 Superstars

A massive congratulations to Amelia and Nasir for gaining the head teacher awards today for Year 4. Well done also to Isabelle and Lexi for getting the Good to be Green pencils for being Ready, Respectful and Safe. A special mention went out to Sam in assembly today for the excellent presentation and editing of his work throughout all his books. A great first week back everyone. 

Year 4 Summer 1

Welcome back and I hope you all had a fabulous Easter holidays. I definitely did as my wedding and honeymoon were perfect. I hope you're looking forward to our new term. We're off travelling around the world locating rivers and mountains. We'll be delving into the formation and origin of river basins and mountains and even going onto a trip to Portland Basin where we'll get first hand experiences of a river system. It's going to be a fun filled half term and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday.

Kind regards

Mrs Higham
