Class Blog

Year 1 Blog

Welcome to the Fair.

This half term our topic is The Fairground. During our English sessions the children will be making information booklets, posters, tickets and learning about nouns, adjectives and verbs. In maths we will be focusing on time, position and direction. We will also be making our own moveable fairground rides. We are really looking forward to this half term and having lots of fun while we learn.

Science Week

During science week we visited a planetarium. It was amazing seeing the planets and the stars in our solar system. The children asked lots of questions about the solar system and we wrote a recount about our experience.

Our amazing reasoning skills in Year 1

We have been using our floor book this half term to concentrate on place value and our number system. The children had to use their problem solving and reasoning skills to work out what number their partner was thinking about. This was very tricky but we had lots of fun and learnt lots of new skills.

What's behind the door?

We have been very creative with our writing this week. The children have been using their imaginations and writing about "What's behind the door?"

What do you think is behind the magical door!!!!!!

The Secret Garden

This half term we will be learning about The Secret Garden. The children will be listening to the story, writing character descriptions, learning about the characters and their feeelings and re-writing the story. We will also be finding out about plants, parts of a plant and what plants need to grow. It will be a very busy half term but an exciting one too.

Fruit tasting in Year 1

Today we have been tasting lots of different fruit. We tried oranges, pineapple, blueberries, raspberries, grapefruit, melon and lots more.

 The children used adjectives to describe what they thought the fruit would taste like. The most popular fruit was grapes. The children had

a fantastic session and couldn't wait to eat more.

Money, money, money

The children have been learning about the different coins and notes. We have been ordering coins, adding coins together and solving lots of money problems.

Can your child name the coins?

Oliver's Vegetables

We have been reading the story of Oliver's Vegetables. We have ordered pictures form the story, we have described the different vegetables using adjectives and we have painted the charcters from the story.

The children have also wrote their own stories about Oliver's Vegetables.

We love this story and hope you do to!

Our new topic is "Food Glorious Food"

During this half term we will be learning all about ....

Where food comes from

Foods around the world

Healthy and unhealthy food

Our favourite foods

We will also be focusing on the story of Oliver's Vegetables.

We will be very busy during the half term. Keep watching our blog to see what we get up to.

Love Year 1

Year 1 visit Holy Trinity Church

Today we have been to visit Holy Trinity Church in Stalybridge. The children were learning about the real meaning of Christmas. The children got to meet lots of different characters from the Christmas story and they told the children all about how baby Jesus was born.They met Mary, Joseph, a Wise Man, a Shepherd, a Roman Solider and lots more. The children had an amazing time and we would like to thank the church for making it a very special experience.
