School Blog


Our topic this half term is winter.  We have been writing our name and tricky words in the snow.  We have loved role playing with the Arctic animals in our winter wonderland. We have been reading stories about winter and have even had a go at writing our own!

Pirates Topic!

Year 2 are loving their new pirates topic! We have received letters and a book from actual pirates but we're not scared as we know they are friendly pirates.  We have also painted our own pirates and we have read lots of pirate stories.  We are now writing our own pirate stories that we hope to read to another class.  We are all very excited about our class assembly on Friday 12th February so we can share everything we have learnt.

Pirate stories!

Nora the cabin girl has sent us a book all about her that is called 'Mungo and the Picture Book Pirates!'  We have loved reading it so much that we are mapping the story out in pictures and then we will write our own stories.  We worked really well in teams to create our story maps then we told the story to the class using the pictures.

Lost Keys!

We received a poster for some missing keys and so we went exploring the school grounds to see if we could find them.  The keys were described as large, old and rusty.  After searching everywhere we eventually found some very large, rusty, old keys on the Key Stage 2 playground.  We think the keys might belong to pirates so we have written them a letter to find out!

Fruit tasting in Year 1

Today we have been tasting lots of different fruit. We tried oranges, pineapple, blueberries, raspberries, grapefruit, melon and lots more.

 The children used adjectives to describe what they thought the fruit would taste like. The most popular fruit was grapes. The children had

a fantastic session and couldn't wait to eat more.

Money, money, money

The children have been learning about the different coins and notes. We have been ordering coins, adding coins together and solving lots of money problems.

Can your child name the coins?

Oliver's Vegetables

We have been reading the story of Oliver's Vegetables. We have ordered pictures form the story, we have described the different vegetables using adjectives and we have painted the charcters from the story.

The children have also wrote their own stories about Oliver's Vegetables.

We love this story and hope you do to!

Our new topic is "Food Glorious Food"

During this half term we will be learning all about ....

Where food comes from

Foods around the world

Healthy and unhealthy food

Our favourite foods

We will also be focusing on the story of Oliver's Vegetables.

We will be very busy during the half term. Keep watching our blog to see what we get up to.

Love Year 1

The Amazing Amazon

We have started our spring term with the theme The Amazing Amazon. The children are so enthused to learn about the rainforest and have researched rainforest plants, animals and have begun looking at the Yanomami tribe.  They are also very excited to be learning some salsa dance moves in the next few weeks.

Christmas Fun

We have been busy getting ready for Christmas. We had lots of fun at our party and loved our visit from Father Christmas! Thank you Mr Andrews for donating the cakes for our party. The children loved them!
