School Blog

Maths creative week

An exciting week in Year 3, we have been testing out our reasoning skills through maths puzzles, singing songs and different workshops. It's been a super maths week!

Maths Week

Year 1 and Year 2 have had a very exciting morning with the founder of "Number Fun", Dave Godfrey. Our whole school maths week started with a Key stage 1 workshop, where the childen sang songs, used large numicon pieces and tested out their reasoning skills. A super morning and well done everybody.


We have been learning about Diwali. We have been making Rangoli patterns and lamps. We have been reading the story of Rama and Sita. We loved sampling the traditional food!

A busy week learning all about 2D and 3D shapes.

This week we have been learning all about 2D and 3D shapes. The children have been sorting shapes, learning about shape properties and making thier own 3D shapes. For homework the children will be going on a shape hunt around their home, so happy hunting everybody.

Fire service visit!

The fire service visited Year 2 this morning and talked to us about what firefighting is like today.  We compared it to firefighting in 1666 (the time of The Great Fire of London).  Elissa got to try on the special firefighting clothes which fitted perfectly!  We then all went outside to look at the fire engine equipment and we even got to blast the fire hose!

A request from the Queen!

We have received a letter from the Queen asking us to research about The Great Fire of London and report back what we find out. We have thought of research questions and have used books as well as the internet to do research. We have started to make information books that we will send to the Queen. Ask Year 2 some facts about what happened!

Happy Diwali

Today we have been learning all about Diwali.(The Festival of Light)

We have learnt about the story of Rama and Sita and we have written our own sentences about the story. We have coloured in Rangoli patterns and we have made Diva Lamps. The children have really enjoyed learning about a different culture and religion.

Fire, fire!

Last week Year 2 started their new topic of 'Fire'. We have been ordering the story of The Gunpowder Plot and learning about how to keep safe on Bonfire Night. We created bonfire safety posters and bonfire collages. We have also written some bonfire poetry using our five senses.

More bonfire night!

We loved learning all about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot. We built a bonfire outside, discussed how to stay safe, made sparklers, 2D shape rocket pictures and we wrote some wonderful firework words.


We loved our Halloween week. We made pumpkin soup, pumpkin collages, dressed up and made skeleton pictures.
