School Blog

Last Y6 Forest School and outdoor games

Thank-you to Mrs Anson for our very last Forest School session today in year 6. The children had lots of fun playing 'Catch the flag' and 'Closer, closer'

They also enjoyed some s'mores whilst reminiscing about their memories from primary school. 

Thank you to our sport's coach Jordan too. Year 6 enjoyed their final games yesterday. 

Handwriting Winners Summer 2

Well done to our Summer 2 handwriting winners! You have been awarded with your handwritng pencil and certificate for your amazing, neat presentation or for great effort and improvment in your handwriting.

Our winners are: Nursery- Ella, Reception- Aliza, Y1- Lois, Y2- Charlie, Y3- Lolly, Y4- Mia, Y5- Henry, Y6- Annabelle

All of their wonderful handwriting has been proudly displayed outside Mrs Parker's room. 

Our Roof is Complete.

Mr Daniel Parker the Executive at Crescent Roofing came today in assembly to share photos of the whole process. This was fascinating for our pupils and inspired a couple to want to be a roofer! We were also lucky to get drone footage of the school, which the pupils loved. Let's hope that it will last us, so we no longer need any more pots of pans! Our Pupil Leaders had some great questions, which Daniel answered and gave us more detail of the whole process. Well done to our leaders, you always make me proud. 

Toy workshop

Year 1 loved taking part in the toy workshop. They learnt about the history of old toys and the forces that make them work. They then used sanding, drilling and hammering to make their very own moving toy.

Computing in Year 3

Year 3 played a yes no game to ensure that they could successfully ask a question that only gave a yes or no answer.

Using Purple Mash Year 3 learnt how to use branching databases and then they created their own branching database.

Commonwealth Games Baton Relay

Broadbent Fold took part in the Commonwealth Games Baton Relay where the baton was passed between lots of schools in Tameside. Our Sports Leaders Molly and Sophie represented the school in carrying the baton. Everyone is so excited for the Commonwealth Games to be held in Birmingham in a few weeks. 

D&T South American style in Year 5!

Having completed their research on the Avacado based dip, Guacamole, Year 5 worked in groups yesterday to actually make their recipes!  They demonstrated just how brilliant they are as food technicians by using an array of equipment, sensibly and carefully.  Then, of course, they all got the opportunity to taste their delicious versions of Guacamole!  Mrs Hallam, who worked with each group, praised their efforts - she said they were "absolutely amazing"!  Well done everyone!  Mrs Blomeley 

Year 5 Awards!

Well done to all our award winners this week!  These include Sports Day certificates for the overall winners, Team GB and certificates for our Cricket team; Handwriting and Vocabulary Ninja Awards,;Headteacher's Awards; Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards and Good to be Green winners who have been Ready, Respectful and Safe!  You are all amazing!  Thank you!  Mrs Blomeley

Formby Beach Visit

Today we visited Formby Beach as part of our topic ‘Can we help save our Oceans?’ The children enjoyed having a picnic, relaxing, digging, playing football, frisbee and cricket. We went on a walk to find some Red Squirrels but unfortunately, our little legs didn’t get us there so we enjoyed a country walk around the National Trust park. We also enjoyed ice lolly’s courtesy of our PTFA, thank you! We had a lovely day out and all the fresh air has tired us out! Thank you to our parent helpers and staff who supported our visit! 
