School Blog

Year 3 Stars of the Week

Congratulations to our stars of the week! These children received Head Teachers's Awards for lovely manners and great effort in writing. We also had two Good to be Green winners. Well done everyone!

Amazing Year 4

Great work this week from all of year 4 but special recognition goes to the children above for gaining the class awards. 

Feeling the Force in Year 5!

As part of our Science Topic (Forces) Year 5 have learnt how Sir Isaac Newton discovered Gravity!  We looked at some Newton meters to demonstrate how they work  and found out this "Fun Fact"  : Did you know that one apple weighs approximatel one Newton?  Mrs Blomeley. 

Tag Rugby Skills in Year 5!

Year 5 have been working hard with the Sports Coach to improve their Tag Rugby skills this week!  They are aiming to win the weekly class Sports Trophy for their efforts! Mrs Blomeley

Place Value

We have used our gattengno charts this week to support our knowledge of place value. These are really useful when multiplying and dividing by powers of ten. 

Sports Ambassadors in KS1

The Year 6 Sports Ambassadors have started to play games with KS1 at lunch times this week. It has been lovely to watch them supporting the younger children in sport.

Assembly with our visits from Holy Trinity Church

We all listened to our visitors from Holy Trinity Church who spoke about special memories of the Queen. The Queen we learnt was a Christian throughout her life and her faith. The Queen led by being a good example to others.

Can we lead others? Can we help others and be kind?

Litter Pickers

We have our very own daily litter pickers. Our super year 4 class have taken to cleaning up the school grounds each lunchtime. This is led by Jakob, who is very passionate about his role and does his role with pride. Thank you litter pickers! 

PTFA Funds

Our PTFA fund raising has enabled us to improve EYFS outdoor areas. We have a new climbing frame and a new writing shed. Thank you everyone for your support! 
