Class Blog

Year 6 Blog

Year 6 home learning examples week beginning- 30th March

I've already recieved some great examples of work completed by some of our Y6 pupils.


Well done to Cameron who has had a busy weekend baking and playing bingo with his family. 

Well done to Jessica- you've been busy with Joe Wicks- keep it up :) I love your work on vikings and the International Space Station- fascinating!! Lovely to hear from you. 

Year 6 home learning- 30th March

Well done for completing some of the tasks set last week. It is nice to see examples of work and photographs of how you are spending your time at home. Follow the links for some more activities to complete this week. Please do keep sending in your work for me to look at. 

Home Learning - Bingo!

What a great idea! We've just received this photo from Brooke, Sophie and Chloe's mum.  They’ve been playing maths bingo - instead of calling the numbers, mum said them as either a multiplication, division, addition or subtraction, and the girls had to work out the answers.   Great home learning mum and girls!  Thank you.  Mrs Blomeley and Miss Harvey

Stay Active Challenge

During the lock down period, it is important that we all try to stay as active as possible. Here is a 60 second challenge that you could complete as a little competition with your families. 

More ideas for home learning Y6

Hope you are all coping well with everything that is going on. I've been very happy to hear from so many children sending me their work. I can't wait to see you all again.

Here are some links for you to use to keep busy during the school closure. I will keep updating the home learning activities every Monday but these are some extra ideas.

There are 5 maths lesson each week on the White Rose website- just downlaod the Year 6 pack:

Year 6 home learning-23rd March

I will add to this blog when I am sent work from children in Year 6 learning at home :)

Well done Oliver Simpson- I have received 2 amazing stories about Vikings.

Well dne to Elissa and Leeson- great book reviews and some lovely work based on Vikings. 

Well done to Cameron who has been doing lots of outdoor learning, science and a creative maths lego competition.

Well done to Oliver Walker- I tried the Joe Wicks workout (and almost didn;t survive it :) ) Well done for the outdoor learning too. 

KS2 Yoga

Pupils in KS2 have been lucky to have the opportunity to work with Miss Stevens from Mindful Bunny on their yoga skills. 

Home learning Y6 23rd March

Use the attached learning grid to give you ideas for activities to complete at home. These blogs will be updated every Monday so keep checking as it's our way of communicating with you. Please have a go at the activities and don't forget to checkout the Homework Weblinks page on the website to access My Maths, Bug Club, TT Rockstars and Education City.  If you have any issues with accessing this work, please contact admin@broadbent

Take care. 

