Year 6 home learning-23rd March

Year 6 home learning-23rd March

I will add to this blog when I am sent work from children in Year 6 learning at home :)

Well done Oliver Simpson- I have received 2 amazing stories about Vikings.

Well dne to Elissa and Leeson- great book reviews and some lovely work based on Vikings. 

Well done to Cameron who has been doing lots of outdoor learning, science and a creative maths lego competition.

Well done to Oliver Walker- I tried the Joe Wicks workout (and almost didn;t survive it :) ) Well done for the outdoor learning too. 

Well done to Alex for your nespaper article. (Sorry I was unable to post your work)

Well done to Chloe- great comprehension work. 

Please keep sending me work and photographs Year 6 and I will add to the blog. It is nice to hear from you :)

Take care, Miss Harvey


Well done Alex- I like the descritpion in your story opening. 

Cameron has made some Viking jewellery and a shield.Very creative :)  

Jacob has been busy writing Viking stories and diaries. I'm glad you're keeping fit doing PE too :)

Remember to take your photographs in landscape so I can share them on the blog.