Class Blog

Year 5 Blog

Year 5's Fun at the Fair!

Year 5 were impressed with Year 6's Science Fair yesterday!  They enjoyed every activity and the opportunities they presented to learn the science behind the task.  A massive well done to Year 6 who were great hosts with their mature and knowledgeable approach to Science.  Mrs Blomeley

Science Fair 2022

We are incredibly proud of our Year 6 class who worked really hard to organise and run the Science Fair today. They were superb role models for our younger children and have shared their scientific knowledge so well all morning. Please look through the photographs. 

Science Boffins for British Science Week

On Tuesday the Science Boffin Vicki visited Broadbent Fold as part of British Science Week.

During the assembly we watched paper disappear when she lit it on fire - this is special paper called 'flash paper' 

Miss Harvey was kindly volunteered to have water tipped on her head... luckily the water had disappeared from the cup. This was because slush powder was in the bottom of the cup- this is a special powder which absorbs water. This is what is used in disposable nappies. 

Science Week Fun in Year 5!

Year 5 had great fun when Vicky, the Science Boffin, arrived in school to demonstrate different aspects of Science in her assembly!  In their workshop, they learnt about atoms, and how static charge happens.

Why DID the Anglo Saxons invade Britain?

Year 5 have got off to a great start with their new topic!  They used clues and sorting cards to discuss  reasons why the Anglo Saxons invaded Britain?  Were they pushed?  Or were they pulled? Year 5 used their investigative skills to come to a logical conclusion and to move on to their next question - just who were the Anglo Saxons?     Mrs Blomeley                     

Quick Cricket in Year 5!

Year 5 demonstrated their brilliant Quick Cricket skills in PE this week!  Last week they practised their batting, bowling and fielding skills - this week they put them to the test by playing inter team matches.  We have some amazing and exciting team players who show the utmost respect to their  classmates. Well done Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Awards in Year 5 !

Well done to all our Award winners this week!  Headteacher's Awards, Good to be Green, Bronze, Silver and Dynamo Maths Certificates were all achieved by our brilliant class members!  Keep up the great work Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Litter Picking

Our year 5 pupils are helping keep our grounds safe and clear. Each week a group of helpful pupils help me make our school tidy. Thank you year 5! 

World Book Day events 2022

To celebrate World Book Day today our Y6 Librarians hosted a competition during lunchtime where children across the school had to guess the title of a book by looking at a small picture clue from the front cover. The girls were really helpful organising this and gave up their lunch time to work with the children to complete their entries. Well done ladies!

The winners will be announced soon....

KS2 also had the opportunity to take part in a virtual assembly with poet Michael Rosen. Some of our favourite poems were 'Chocolate Cake' and 'Don't breathe'
