Class Blog

Year 4 Blog

Anti-bullying assembly

Gary and Simon from Holy Trinity visited our school and spoke about how bullying wasn't the right thing to do. They spoke about Jesus and how he would do the right thing. We shared an important message:

Do to others as you would have them do to you!


Amazing Atlas Work in Year 4

Year 4 improved their skills at using an Atlas today with completing their Atlas Scavanger Hunt  and Atlas World Quiz. They really set to using the Index accurately and identifying page numbers and grid references. A fabulous lesson, where they really improved their skills in locating places in an atlas. Well done Year 4. 

Remembrance Sunday

Thank you for all your support with this year's Poppy Appeal. Yesterday Xavier and his family with our governor Mr Moon lay a wreath at the Chapel Hill War Memorial. Thank you for attending this on behalf of Broadbent Fold Primary School and Nursery. School will continue to support the Royal British Legion and the charity work they do in our community. More information can be found -

Y4 Polish Day

Today, Year 4 have found out all about Poland. They have located it on a map, read a non- chronological report and learnt about the highest mountain, capital city, national symbol, currency and lots more. I'm sure the children enjoyed sampling the Polish sausage, bread and marshmallows too. Please ask them what they have learnt today. 

Super Science

Year 4 were using instruments this week to investigate their pitch. They were able to organise and sort the instruments into low and high pitch and found out why they were high and low pitched. They were amazed to find out how the sound vibrations looked and how the size of the space for the vibrations really affected the pitch.

Lest We Forget

Year 4 joined a live Remembrance Service today and observed 2 minutes of silence as a mark of respect. Look at the work they have created today. 

Fabulous 4

Amazing awards this week in class. Another 4 children received their bronze awards.. A fabulous week. Well done Year 4. 

Internet Legends Assembly

Internet Legends live assembly was watched by Year 3,4 & 5 this morning.

Children learnt the importance of not using the same password, they also learnt about web browsers.  

Another area of Online Safety shared was the importance message to be careful what is shared online, this includes what is shared on wats app.


Change your password.

Don't keep logged on shared devices. 


Year 4 have been improving their handball skills this week. They were working in teams to retrieve balls, send and pass balls accurately to each other and practised defending and finding a space so that they could receive the ball. A great lesson and team work skills. 
