Class Blog

Year 3 Blog

This week's awards are going to...

This week, the Head Teacher's Award certificate was awarded to all Year 3 children for their outstanding behaviour during our visit to the church. 

Congratulations to Year 3 who achieved their Bronze Award and a big well done to our Good to Be Green raffle winners. 

Handwriting Awards Autumn 2 2021

Congratulations to our handwriting winners this term. These children have been selected to win an award for either great overall handwriting and presentation or for an improvement and super effort with their handwriting. Their work will be proudly displayed at the front of school for all to see. 

Well done!

Church visit by Year 3

The Christmas Story was retold to us at Holy Trinity Church by Gary and the wonderful volunteer.

Children listened to each stage of the Christmas story and they had an aim to find out what happened to Mary.

In class children wrote a recount of The Christmas Story.

Advent Challenge- a time to think of others!

The Season of Advent is a time for thinking of others and challenging yourself to be the best possible!

That’s something that people of all faiths can get involved with so here is an  Advent Challenge with a difference.

On the attached for every day there is a different challenge to complete.

Friday Awards

It's been another busy week in Year 3 and all the children have been working incredibly hard. 

A special well done to our stars of the week who received their Head Teacher's Awards for their efforts and great attitude to learning. Congratulations to our Good to be Green prize winners who follow our school rules. Thank you for being Ready, Respectful and Safe. 

Keep up the great work! 

Cross Country Champions

Broadbent Fold were amazing at Cross Country this weekend, running for a third Saturday- representing the school with pride. Well done to everyone involved. I was very proud of you all. Just fabulous!

Year 3/4 Girls

Aubrey 8th

Maisie 19th

Isabelle 21st

Faye 40th


Year 3/4 Boys

Sam 9th

Josh 30th

Oliver  31st

James 37th


Year 5/6 Girls

Laura 20th


Year 5/6 Boys 

Tyler 18th

Daniel 20th

Alfie 37th

Oliver 50th

Friday Awards

Lots of awards for our lovely Year 3 children. There have been Bronze Awards, our pencil awards for following our school rules, Head Teacher's Awards for amazing work and attitude to learning and certificates for our cross country superstars. Well done everyone! 

Cross Country Grand Prix

Broadbent Fold pupils gave up their Saturday morning to represent school in the second cross country race of the year. A big well done to everyone who took part.

Year 3/4 Girls

Aubrey 12th

Maisie 25th

Isabelle 35th

Year 3/4 Boys

Sam 10th

Oliver 43rd

Josh 45th

James 46th

Jake 48th

Year 5/6 Girls

Laura 14th

Year 5/6 Boys 

Xander 8th

Tyler 23rd

Be Kind Online!

This week is anti- bullying week.

Children as part of their e-safety learning will discuss how to be kind online.

Think about what would you do if someone was being unkind to you or your friend? (This could be online or in person)

Share the ideas of how to be kind with your teacher and friends. At home share how to keep safe online.

Remember be kind.

Year 3 Stars of the week

A big well done to Year 3 children who have received Headteacher's Awars and Good to be pencils this week. Keep up the great work and attitude to learning. 
