Class Blog

Year 3 Blog

Year 3 Awards

We are finishing this half term with lots of certificate! There were Head Teacher's Awards, Good to be Green Pencils, Bronze and Silver Awards. We also had a Handwriting Award and Vocabulary Ninja Award. Congratulations to all the children who have received their awards today. A big well done to all Year 3 children for working really hard this half term. Enjoy your well deserved rest. 

British Science Week

Broadbent Fold will be celebrating British Science Week this year. The theme this year is ‘growth’. We will welcome ‘The Science Boffins’ into school during the week. On Friday 18th March we will host an exciting Science Fair. Also we will have an optional DRESS UP DAY- on 18th March where children can come to school dressed up as a real-life scientist. This could be anyone from David Attenborough, Mae C Jemison, Brian Cox, Marie Curie, Jane Goodall, Ada Lovelace…. there are endless possibilities. We can’t wait to see who you will be.

World Book Day

World Book day will be celebrated on Thursday 3rd March and children may come to school dressed as their favourite character or author. In school we will celebrate the day with many events including virtual author workshops, a visit by Manchester-based author Matt Goodfellow and we have the return of Broadbent Fold's 'The Masked Reader' Please check out the World Book Day website for news and events during March- World Book Day | World Book Day is a

Mental Health Week

This year Mental Health Week's focus was Growing Together. In Year 3 we discussed what it means to grow emotionally and how we can help each other to grow. We talked about different emotions and how to deal with them. We designed 'Grow your brain' posters that will be part of our PSHE display encouraging growing positive thoughts in the garden of our mind. We also made coping tools spinners to remind us of strategies to deal with different feelings. 

Super Science

Today we have been learning about soil. We looked at soil layers, talked about what you would find in each layer and created a soil profile. 

It's Friday Awards Again

Congratulations to the children who have received the Head Teacher's Award this week for their hard work and attitude to learning. Well done to our Good to be Green raffle winners. There was also a special certificate for a fantastic online safety poster!


Year 3 revised being SMART online and created posters. How can you stay safe online?

We looked at reasons for and against SCREEN TIME, remember screen times makes us think it's daytime so it is not a good idea to be on screens (tablets, phones, computers) before bed.

We have shared videos and photos on Seesaw.

Happy Safer Internet Day!

Our pupils are working hard learning about keeping safe online, which also supports mental health week. 

If families want to learn more, Parent Zone has a free Safer Internet Day Special Event on Tuesday 8 February, 4.30-5.00 pm, live on YouTube.

Keeping Children Safe

Stay safe everyone!  

How many APPs do you know?

Ask children why do we have age recommendations for APPs? 

 Remember children send your E-Safety entries into your teachers?
