School Blog

The RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2021

Here is another resource that you can use to help you enjoy the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch this weekend.  It includes instructions on how to make homemade bird food and feeders, a link to help you record your results and a link to a live webcam where you can see and have a go at identifying the birds as they visit the feeders.

I really hope that you enjoy taking part in the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch!

Y6 Viking dress up and creative task

Well done to all in Year 6 who have joined in with the creative task. I am impressed with the range of artefacts that have been made from helmets to shields to amulets. Well done if you completed a written task too. It was lovely to share our Viking personnas today in our Zoom session- we had many children that dressed up too! We had a Ragnar, a Sir Erik and even Orla the Earmuffs. It was great to see you all having fun together again. 

If you haven't yet sent me your project please do so and I will add it to the blog.

Well done Year 6. 

Year 4 Home Learnng for w/c 25th January 2021

Thank you for your continued support with Home Learning.   Although the current situation has meant that teachers and parents are required to provide a different, and sometimes difficult, method of teaching, I believe that our partnership is having a real impact on the children’s learning.

Y6 reading dens

During our non screen day last week Year 6 had a go at making some cosy reading dens to sit and read their favourite books.

Well done to all who have already sent me some photographs. I will add more to the blog next week.

We joined in at school too- we made cosy dens under the tables using cushions and coats.

I hope you all enjoyed this :)

Home Learning Week Beginning 25th January

Hi Year 1,

I am missing you all so much and I am so proud of all the learning you are doing at home. I have attached the home learning for this week. Remember to upload anything you do to Seesaw so I can see all the fantastic things you get up to. 
