School Blog

Christmas Dinner

Year 1 loved eating their Christmas dinner and all said it was very yummy! A big thank you to the ladies in the kitchen for making it for everyone. 

Santa dash in Y6

Y6 really enjoyed our festive Santa dash today.

Well done to our Sports Ambassadors who helped other year groups too.

DT research in Y6

This week in Year 6 we have started our DT topic. For our market research we have played and reviewed existing board games to help us with our own designs.

Y6 Star of the week 10-12-21

Congratulations to our Y6 Stars of the week Sophie and Laura.

Sophie is always so enthusiastic in maths and has a great attitude to learning.

Laura has had a positive attitude all week and we are really proud of the work that she has produced this week.

Matilda and Cameron have won the Good to be Green award this week.



Santa Dash

Year 1 loved taking part in he Santa Dash today. They ran and danced around to the Christmas music in their Christmas jumpers and hats. Thank you to Sports leaders Tilly and Harley for their help. 
