Class Blog

Nursery Blog

VE Day Art Challenge


Thank you for complementing our VE Day Art Challenge and designing a poster to thank our heroes past and present.  I love your posters and I’m very impressed by your creativity!


Big WELL DONE to Evie in Year 2, Laura in Year 4, Sophie and Brooke in Year 4, Matthew in Year 1 and Freya Year 5, Tilly in Year 4 and Finlay in Year 6, Luca in Year 6, Chloe Year 6, Elissa and Leeson in Year 6.


Whole School Reading at Home Competition

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Dr Seuss

Please send in photographs of your child reading in different places at home - only send in a photograph if you are happy for it to be shared on the school website. 

Can you read in the garden?

Can you read in a home-made den?

Can you read to a pet?

I will have a look at the photographs sent in and choose the most unusual/creative reader to win a prize through the post. 

Let's Ride Local

Let's Ride Local is a website that provides ideas and inspiration to help keep everyone motivated and safe whilst cycling in your local area. It has pointers for helping to teach your children to ride their bike, suggestions of cycling routes, Spring bike ride bingo, window posters and a competition to design and win your own dream jersey. For more information click on the link:
