Class Blog

Reception Blog

Whole School Reading at Home Competition

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” Dr Seuss

Please send in photographs of your child reading in different places at home - only send in a photograph if you are happy for it to be shared on the school website. 

Can you read in the garden?

Can you read in a home-made den?

Can you read to a pet?

I will have a look at the photographs sent in and choose the most unusual/creative reader to win a prize through the post. 

Let's Ride Local

Let's Ride Local is a website that provides ideas and inspiration to help keep everyone motivated and safe whilst cycling in your local area. It has pointers for helping to teach your children to ride their bike, suggestions of cycling routes, Spring bike ride bingo, window posters and a competition to design and win your own dream jersey. For more information click on the link:

Home Learning - 4th May 2020

The caterpillars have had their busiest week yet!  They have really changed! They all crawled up to the top of their jar and started hanging upside down.  They stayed like that for a day and then they started wriggling. Next they changed from wriggly caterpillars into a chrysalides!  I have put them into a special net ready for what is about to happen... 

Your home learning is attached below.  Please keep emailing in all your fabulous work.  I love seeing it all.

Stay safe

Mrs Kleban

VE Day Art Challenge


This week, we are celebrating the 75th anniversary of VE Day.  As a part of the celebration complete our VE Day Art Challenge. To find out more click on read more.


Logan's Fabulous Home Learning

Logan has been incredibly busy with his home learning.  He even has his own set of caterpillars.  I love the lifecycle work and your super butterfly picture.

You look very grown up with your missing tooth.  I hope you got a visit from the Tooth Fairy!

Keep up all your hard work!

I am missing you all lots!

Mrs Kleban

Austin's Super Home Learning

Austin has done some fantastic home learning.  I love your super double work and your caterpillar life cycle is wonderful.

Keep up all your hard work!

I miss you all lots!

Mrs Kleban
