Class Blog

Year 2 Blog

Column addition

Today we used base 10 to support our learning of adding 2 digit numbers using the column addition method. We started doing additions without crossing the tens and then when we were confident and secure, we began doing additions crossing the tens. When are ones column totalled more than ten we exchanged ten of our ones for a tens stick and carried it over into our tens column. Well done everybody! 

Marvellous Maths

This week in our mastering number session we are understanding the composition of odd and even numbers. The focus will be the conecpt that even numbers are composed of 2's and odd numbers contain 2's but have an extra one. We will relate this to familiar experiences of objects that come in 'pairs'. 

Where will our adventure take us?

Happy New Year everybody! I hope you have had a lovely Christmas and New Year with your fanilies. We will be beginning the new year with our topic 'Where will out adventure take us?' During Spring term 1, we will be exploring piracy. We will be dressing up as pirates and taking part in an orienteering treasure hunt using and applying our map skills. Please see our medium term plan for our curriculum overview and the home learning plan, for activities to complete if you are self isolating or you wish to do something extra.

Merry Christmas everybody!

This week we have lots of awards given to celebrate for a variety of subjects. Well done to those children who got a gold, silver or bronze certificate for their super home learning activities, our Science, Mathematician, PE, Vocab Ninjas, Merit and 100% attendance awards! Well done everybody! All photos can be viewed on our class Seesaw. 

Winter Reading

Over the holidays why not take part in the Winter Mini Challenge?

All you have to do is read at least 3 books between Wednesday 1st December and Sunday 16th January. Once you've read a book, add it to your website profile at and review it. Add 3 books (or more) to complete the Mini Winter challenge and become a Wild World Hero!

There's a brand new certificate and a limited edition virtual badge which can be won.
