School Blog

Challenge Me - Balancing

Year 1 took part in the Challenge Me event where they had to try and hold an arabesque balance for 10 seconds on each leg. They then had a go creating their own balances which are very impressive! Well done to everyone who took part. 

Warriors were awesome!

The warrior group with Mrs Parker displayed amazing archery, climbing and kayak skills. What a day. Totally exhausted, but we've had so much fun. 

Year 5 Sporting Stars

Year 5 got off to a fabulous start with their benchball competition first thing this morning. Here are the results

Great Britain 4

Portugal 3

China 2

Argentina 0

Brazil 0

We're looking forward to our athletics and football competition later on in the week. 

Year 4's Amazing Artwork in the style of Kandinsky!

Year 4 studied the famous Russian Artist Wassily Kandinsky, who was well known for starting the abstract movement in art. They drew their pictures in his style and then colour-washed their work with water colours.  Finally, they filled in the shapes with coloured pens and outlined the patterns with black.  Their brilliant artwork is now exhibited on our "Great Artists Through Time" display in Key Stage 2.  Amazing!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 4's Persuasive Posters!

Year 4 invented their new brands of water, straight from the mountains and rivers of the world, with amazing qualities!  They used techniques they had studied in their persuasive writing lessons, such as rhetorical questions and statistics,  to create eye-catching adverts. The results were brilliant!  Well done Year 4!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 4's Rivers and Mountains!

Where else would you find the River Nile alongside Mount Fuji?  Or The Colarado River close to Mount Everest?  In Year 4 of course!  For their Creative Homework task during our last topic "Where does water come from?" the children created a combination of 3D models and amazing artwork for their chosen river or mountain.  They presented their creations with facts and figures, which has led to an impressive geographical knowledge of the world's best known rivers and mountains.  Well done Year 4!  Mrs Blomeley

Year 3 balance challenge

Year 3 enjoyed participating in the 'balance challenge' they said it was much harder than they thought!

How long can you balance for? We tried to balance for 3 minutes.
