School Blog

Y4 Super Stars

Fantastic work this week from Nathan and Ellis who are our Good to be Green winners this week. Matilda earned the star of the week because of her fantastic explanation of the water cycle and Faye for her continual enthusiasm in every subject. Well done Year 4.

Stars of the week

Super work from Year 3 this week. Class merits were awarded for a great diary writing and fantastic historical knowledge during our school trip to the Air Raid Shelter in Stockport. Well done to our Good to Green lottery winners. A massive congratulations to the children who received their silver awards. 

How to help children deal with loneliness - Mental Health Awareness Week 2022


“An emotion is like a fish in a pond that can take over at any time.” (Primary school child)

The Mental Health Foundation hosted the first Mental Health Awareness Week 21 years ago – a key moment for people and organisations across the UK to reflect on the importance of mental health and wellbeing.This year, the theme is loneliness.

Why do we need to wash our hands properly?

Today in Science, we investigated the importance of washing our hands properly. We took part in an experiment, demonstrating how quickly germs can spread using glitter. We then learnt about what happens if we do not wash our hands properly. We learnt the correct way to wash our hands and put this to the test to see if we could get the glitter off using the correct technique. Ask your child some questions about how long you should wash your hands for or about the correct hand washing technique.

Super Science

Year 4 have been of learning about the water cycle in English and have written an explanation that details how the water cycle works. To back up this knowledge, they completed an experiment in science. Here they had to see whether temperature affects the speed at which a cloth dries. They ensured their test was fair by using the same towel material and the same amount of water and only changed the place where the towel was kept. The whole class predicted that the warmest place would evaporate the water the quickest.

Year 3 School Visit to Stockport Museum & Air Raid Shelter

Year 3 have had a fabulous day visiting the Stockport Museum and the Stockport Aid Raid Shelter. We all dressed as an evacuee and really felt like we were living in WW2 as we experienced what it was like to go into the Stockport Aid Raid Shelter. In The Air Raid Shelter children saw the conditions people had to be in during WW2. 

Within the museum children went into a Morrison shelter, tried on gas mask and war helmets which they really did enjoy.

If you are in Stockport it is really worth visiting The Air Raid Shelter.

Stress busting with Freddie Fit in Year 6

Freddie Fit was so uplifting today and the children really enjoyed the different activities over the afternoon. Keeping active, staying hydrated, a good balanced diet and sensible sleep habits were discussed in his sessions which are so important to stay focused. 

Well done year 6. 

Rounders Skills!

Year 5 are enjoying brushing up their Rounder skills!  This week they have been learning how to bowl accurately at a consistent height, using a simple technique of throwing the ball through a hoop!  It wasn't as easy as it looked but by the end of the session everyone's bowling skills had improved.  Great teamwork Year 5!  Mrs Blomeley

Awards in Year 5 !

Well done to all of Year 5's award winners over the past two weeks!  They have worked so hard as well as being Ready, Respectful and Safe!  Mrs Blomeley
