Early Years Maths Workshop - Reception

Thursday, October 26, 2017 - 09:00 to 10:00

Dear Parents/Carers, Early Years Maths Workshop As Parents/Careers of Early Years children you are invited to join us for an early years maths workshop.   It is based in the hall and will be Halloween themed.  There will be lots of hands on, practical maths activities for you and your child to take part in together and ideas for you to use at home. There are two different dates and times, one for Nursery parents/carers and one for Reception parents/carers. Please return the reply slip below if you can attend. I hope to see you all there! 

Yours sincerely, 

Mrs Kleban EYFS and KS1 Leader

Early Years Maths Workshop 

Child’s name:_____________________________________ 

I would like to attend the Reception Maths Workshop on Thursday 26th October 9:00-10:00am 

Signed:_________________________ Name  _____________________________