Viking Workshop
What a day we have had! It all started off with Njal Thorfinson snoring in Year 6. He took us back in time to when the Norsemen were trading in Brittania.
What a day we have had! It all started off with Njal Thorfinson snoring in Year 6. He took us back in time to when the Norsemen were trading in Brittania.
Nursery are very excited to be jungle explorers, one of their favourite songs is down in the jungle. Keep reading our blog for more updates on our learning.
What a super last week Year 1 have had! We have really enjoyed learning about all of the different events that have been happening this week. We have eaten pancakes in our new family groups, baked valentine shortbread and decorated them, made our own Valentine's Day cards and learnt about Chinese New Year. Miss Wright asked the children to share some of things that they had enjoyed from this half term and they shared lots of ideas.
We have had a fantastic half term exploring our topic of pirates! Today we celebrated Chinese New Year by making drums decorated with the sign of the Dog as it is the Year of the Dog. We also had a pyjama party because we reached 30 class compliments! We enjoyed eating popcorn whilst watching James and the Giant Peach.
Happy Pancake Day Everyone! We followed the recipe and had lots of fun whisking the ingredients together. We also enjoyed tasting the different toppings too!
Nursery children are only 3 and 4 years old yet they already use the internet for lots of different reasons. In school and at home children discussed with adults what they use the internet for, we found out children watched videos, played games and of course learnt lots of information through the internet that teachers show them. In nursery we have also used 'skype' to speak to Adarsh, a former nursery child, who moved to the USA and found out about his new school.
Year 6 have been specifically looking at how to keep themselves safe online. They explored and discussed ways and means to keep themselves safe online and introduced and explained the SMART rules to Year 4.
On Tuesday 5th February, the whole school participated in Internet Safety Day. This years theme was: Create, Connect and Share Respect: a better internet starts with you. In Year 3, we explored why we use the internet and how we can play the role in helping create a safer online community. Year 5 came to talk to us about cyberbulling and how to think SMART. We then created posters which we shared with Year 1 children. We taught them everything we know about internet safety. At the end of the session, Miss Lewis asked lots of questions to see how much we had learnt.
Yesterday was E-Safety Day and Year One really enjoyed participating in lots of different activities that teach us how to be safe on the internet. We learnt all about a penguin called Smartie and helped him to make the right choices when strange things he had never seen before popped up on his tablet such as adverts, the App Store, websites that his older brother had been on and a game that included a chat room. Together we discussed whether this has ever happened to us before when we are at home and talked about what the right thing to do would be. We even learnt a song...
Using resources loaned from the NHS Foundation Trust (Be Well Tameside), Mrs Anson delivered an important lesson to Year 5 on nutrition and how to look after your teeth. Following the lesson the class visited Year 3 to share their knowledge. Both classes enjoyed the activity and some fantastic learning took place. It sees we have some budding health advisors and dentists in our school! Well done everyone! Mrs Blomeley