Year 6 home learning- 8th June

Year 6 home learning- 8th June

Hello Year 6. I hope that you enjoyed having a week off and had some time for yourself. 

I am really sorry and disappointed that I won't see you this week as planned. I was really looking forward to seeing all of your faces again. 

I hope that things settle down again soon so that we get some time together before the summer holidays-hopefully we will meet again on 22nd June.

Keep checking any letters sent home with updates.

Here is your home learning grid for this week. I know it is getting hard to stay motivated but please get in touch and send me some of your work.

I would love for you to send me an email too- I will get in back in touch with you as soon as I can. 

Looking forward to hearing from you all again soon.

Take care, Miss Harvey :)